Rodan + Fields: Unblemish

Growing up, acne was never as issue for me. Of course I would get a blemish here and there, and being a dramatic high school-er I convinced my parents that I NEEDED Proactiv.  I used the product for a while and was happy with it, but as time went on and the bottles of full product started piling up, I went on to cancel my orders and switched to basic Nuetrogena face wash.  I survived the rest of high school and college priding myself on my breakout-less skin.

I never imagined that at the age of 25, ance would fall upon me.  The worst part about it was that I would get a blemish and it would leave a dark scar, which then led to a collage of dark marks on both cheeks. Enter: Insecurity.  I felt like I could never leave my house without trying my best to cover the marks.  After a few failed attempts of store bought products, I went to see a dermatologist and after using a prescription, and suggested face washes and creams, the blemishes stopped but I was still left with the scars.

I first heard about Rodan + Fields through my hair stylist, Krystn.  I told her about my skin problems and she always mentioned R +F, but was never pushy.  After a few more hair visits and becoming more knowledgeable on the Unblemish line, I decided to give it a go and purchase my first regimen with her. I could not be happier that I did.  Check out my results:

           unnamed               unnamed (1)

The pictures on the left were taken on June 11, 2014 and the pictures on the right were taken on September 28, 2014.

After about 3 1/2 months I am so happy with the progress my skin has made and would recommend this product to anyone having similar issues.  R+F offers a money back guarantee if you are not happy and you are also able to delay shipments if you’re not out of product after 60 days.  Once I eliminate the scars using Unblemish, I plan to get ahead with the anti-aging regimen.  Next Step: wrinkle control!

Happy almost-Friday 🙂

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